ProScore FAQ


ProScore FAQ

Here are answers to some of the issues that have come up with the ProScore Hardware. 

2024 National Judges Cup L7 Team Selection & Xcel, L 6, 8, 9, 10 Critique Meet


  • December 14-15, 2024
  • Hosted by NorCal NAWGJ
  • Venue: Gymtowne Gymnastics SSF, 239 Utah Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080
  • Levels 6-10 & Xcel

Please Help NorCal Vice-Chair Mike Guzman


Mike Guzman, a dedicated gymnastics coach, business owner, Vice Chair of NorCal, community leader, mentor, and creator of every NorCal Senior Video presentation is facing a challenging battle with cancer once again. Over 17 years ago, Mike triumphed over Stage 4 throat cancer, but he has recently received another diagnosis. Thanks to the quick thinking and tenacity of his wife, Natalie Guzman, they caught this latest challenge in time, preventing it from becoming even more daunting. However, Mike now requires major tumor removal surgery and subsequent treatments.

Please Donate though Go Fund Me if you can


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NCWGA (NorCal)

The Northern California Women's Gymnastics Association is an organization of gymnastics clubs that works in conjunction with various National organizations to promote and oversee gymnastics in Northern California.

USA Gymnastics SAC/NorCal

USA Gymnastics is the governing body of gymnastics for the United States.  The State Administrative Committee (SAC)  NorCal is the committee that makes sure all rules are followed in qualifying and competitions.

National Gymnastics Association

National Gymnastics Association (NGA) is an organization for competitive gymnastics that focuses on the grass roots levels of gymnastics.  NCWGA monitors qualification to meets and makes sure all rules are followed.



ProScore FAQ


  • My computer does not recognize the junction box.

    • Go to the FAQ page for AEGroup which is ProScore  Thorough instructions for installing and reinstalling the driver for each operating system is there.  Please note that nearly every time you update Windows 10 it loses the driver and requires that you install it again!

  • I have a dual session meet but I only have one set of displays. How do I make this work

    1. Create a Session named X

    2. In ScoreGen, Setup, Define Keypads, check all sessions for the keypads on one side (e.g. Side A) of the gym except of Session X

    3. Assign the keypads on the other side (e.g. Side B) of the gym only to Session X

    4. Assign each score flasher to every session but Session X

    5. In the main ScorGen screen, check "enable dual session display"

    6. Place one session in the primary box on the left hand Generator Status box

    7. Place the other session in the secondary box on the left hand Generator Status box

    8. Place an X in the primary box on the right hand Generator Status box

    9. Leave the right hand secondary box blank

  • The judge's keypad keeps saying busy when they enter a gymnast's number.

    • This is usually due to a judge entering a gymnast's number, then pressing Cancel, and the reentering the same gymnast's number again. The computer does not release that gymnast's number until another number is entered from that keypad. If this is the problem, the judge can press the ProScore label on the keypad until the display resets (about 10 seconds). This will release the gymnast's number and the number can now be entered. his may need to be done on all keypads for that event. If another event has entered the same gymnast's number, a busy error will also occur. or this situation, you need to wait for the other judge(s) to finish using that number.

  • How to troubleshoot to find a bad wire?

    • Disconnect the wire between the first and second devices (not counting the junction box) so only one device is connected to the junction box. If the device does not work, try another wire. If changing the wire numerous times does not work test the hardware using the Junction Box Tools in the Utility Menu of ScoreGen. If it does work, add one more device by disconnecting the wire between the second and third devices and wiring the second device to the first device which is still connected to the junction box. If both devices now work repeat the procedure by adding one device at a time until you find the problem wire or device

  • How do I use the Junction Box Tools to troubleshoot devices?

    • Find a short wire you know is good. Make sure the driver is installed properly and that the junction box is .plugged in and is connected to the computer with the USB or Serial Cable. Begin with only the Junction Box connected and press Start ID Scan. It should read FA for the ID with 0 errors and a green icon. The error number will increase by one each time you start and stop the scan if you do not reset the junction box using the Reset Junction Box button. Now add a device using the short cable. Be sure the device being tested is entered in the Setup Units screen as a Keypad or score flasher depending on what it is. Press Start Scan. The ID of all the devices you have entered into ScoreGen should appear and you should have a Green Icon next to the ID of the device you are testing with 0 for the error count (if you are testing displays and have checked the box Include Scoreboard ID's During Scan? the error count will increase because scoreboards do not send information back to the computer so a no response error is generated. For scoreboards just watch for the green Icon). If possible, test only one device at a time and directly connect the device to the junction box.

  • I hear a high pitched squeal coming from the junction box that sounds like a smoke alarm. What is that?

    • This means you have a short in the system usually cause by a bad wire but sometimes caused by a bad chip in a device. Disconnect everything from the junction box immediately then add back one device at a time until you find the dbad device or wire. If it is a wire, throw away the bad wire and replace it with a good wire (wires that have been shorted by stress should not be repaired as they often have be stressed in multiple areas).

  • How can I test my wire?

    • Network cable continuity testers are available in most electronics stores and large hardware stores. They typically have RJ45 jacks but will work with the 6 conductor RJ25 connectors (sometimes called RJ11 like the 4 conductor connectors) used with ProScore.

  • What special settings do I need to make when a large number of keypads are used such as 16 keypads in a four judge panel women's meet?

    • You need to increase the keypad interval. This number should be the number of keypads you are using plus 2 or 3. This setting is in the Setup screen of ScoreGen. The keypad interval for 8 keypads should be set at 10. The keypad interval for 16 keypads should be set at 18. The keypad interval for 24 keypads should be set at 27. Be aware that high numbers here slow down the keypad response time (e.g. with a setting of 27 it takes 2.7 seconds for the computer to respond after each key stroke of a blue key). Also the power needed to drive 24+ keypads can become an issue. If the junction box alarm goes off because of too many keypads, you can use a second junction box with a power supply that is not connected to a computer. Connect this into the end of the line of your devices. You can also use two networked computers sharing the same database and using one junction box per computer to split the keypads.

  • When I use Manage Servers in ProScore, my computer no longer shows up as one of the choices, it does not even show us as

    • You need to first uninstall ProScore (don't worry, you will not lose your data or settings).

    • Next you need to delete the NexusDB3 folder in the C:\ProgramData folder.  You need to activate show hiddenfiles in order to see these files.

    • Now reinstall ProScore and you should now be able to see your computer in Manage Severs.

  • When using the ProScore hardware keypads (not iKeypads) I keep getting yellow icons on all the events.  What is wrong and how do I fix this?

    • This is an issue mainly in Windows 10.  Windows 10 sometimes turns off the power the the USB port which causes the junction box to go into the wrong mode.  It now thinks it is out on the floor instead of connected to the computer.  The short term fix for this is to close ScoreGen and reopen ScoreGen and you should be back up.

    • A more permanent solution that has worked for many people is to use a externally powered USB hub that supplies constant power to the USB port.  Do not use a smart hub or a switched hub as these can forward the Windows 10 issue to the hub's port.

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For All GK Orders Contact Holly Thomas at (209) 247-6613 or email

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